Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Well we are at it again...
Last time is was Sandy Hook... NOW its the Boston marathon finish line with hundreds of innocent bystanders. This is another tragic incident, regardless of WHO is at fault it is still horrible. I will let the wise men and women in blue figure out who did it... we could speculate all day long and then find out it was something completely different. And there will be conspiricay theories that will abound. If you WANT to find a conspiricy in anything you can find something that will bolster your claim regardless of how far fetched it is..

The previous post I had in December still applies.

What weighs on me is when we realize it.
How is it that we cannot seem to put two and two together.
We will once again struggle for answers, the pendulum will swing to far the other way and our "we are from the government we are here to help" crowd will tell us that somehow all this is our fault so lets ban something because we are not resposible enough... (ok, no more political stuff).

But let me share a thought with you -
Paul told Timothy, gave Timothy some solid instruction about what to do.
 "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness..."
2 Timothy 3:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
We stopped (as a nation) a long time ago teaching the basis and principles of God's word to our children. The repercussions of which we are experiencing today. No I am not saying some kids did this. BUT - we have not given our society the basis for real morals, but instead have tried to legistlate morality.
YOU cant. You cannot legislate morality for people who have no basis for morals. You cannot give moral instruction to people who are not willing to have their character shaped by the basis for the morals.
We have taken God out of the equation and made Him at best one "alternative" among many. Even though He has ALREADY told us that everything He has laid out for us is indeed FOR us... our life, our dealings with other... and YES to even correct us when need be.
When did we the people in order to form a more perfect nation forget that with out standards of living that are embraced by the whole the whole fails.

God gave us what we call the Bible, for our good, for our benefit, for our health, for society and it is all based on the foundation of Jesus Christ. When will we wake up and see that rather than scour and scoury for lifes' answers for a quick fix to a circumstance... we need to go back to the one who made us, who gave us life and who loves us (inspite of ourselves).... GOD, through Jesus Christ.
The answer remains the same... lets stop trying to make things up. HE is the answer.

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