Monday, September 29, 2014


     I am one who absolutely believes that we have a Father God who listens to His children, that we can approach the throne of grace with great assurance that He will listen. SO – I believe that we can ask the question “Why.”  But let’s keep something in perspective – we are just like Job. When Job asked the “why” he didn’t receive the answer, nor did David through out Psalms. What they did learn was to trust God and to trust that He would work it out if they did.  

     When life throws you a curve… and trust me it will – what will you do with it?   
None of us is immune from the ups and downs of life. Nor can any of us can escape the reality of physical death. Just as death is certain – so too is normal life, it isn’t what happens to you so much as what you do with it.

     Romans 8:28 reads – “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  
One key here is that it doesn’t say that all things are “good” but that God works all of life together for the good. If someone loves and trusts and accepts God, if they are convinced that God is the all-wise and all-loving Father, then they can humbly accept all that he sends to him.  So the question becomes not “Why God…” but rather – “How would You have me respond to this?”

     Trust me when I say that sometimes when life happens to you; you might find it hard to pray, you might not be able to form the words with you lips. But I bet you could with your heart. Just before Paul wrote that all the stuff in life God would work for the good for those who love Him he wrote - 
     “And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words…” Romans 8:26  
      At this moment there is a Believer somewhat that has been thrown a curve in life, immobile in a hospital bed. Somewhere there is a Believer on the edge of eternity. Somewhere a family is facing ruin (financial, relational, etc.) Somewhere there is a Believer facing death from the hands of evil people.  They very well may be unable to form the words that would describe the depths of their despair. But the groanings in the weakness are being carried to the Father be the Spirit. Yes I am sure they may be asking the question “why” but I would bet that this same Believer is saying in their heart – “ok, God… now what?” Not in a negative sense but one that asks – “What do you want me to do about it?”

      I’ll will go out on a limb here and say that you have either been in a time like that, that you are going through a time like that – and if it is neither – you WILL go through a time like that… It isn’t/won’t be good.

     But in that moment… let me encourage you – PRAY. Pray straight from the heart. If you cannot form the words let the groans of you heart be carried by the Holy Spirit who will intercede for you. When you can’t pray, when weakness or tragedy overcomes your ability (physically or spiritually) to pray, when you are at a loss as to what to pray for – God’s word tells you – just pray from the heart.    
 I promise you that God who hears you in silence will answer you. I know it to be true, I have seen the results of sincere pray avail much…

 We are all in this together –  See you – “In The Trenches”


  When you pray, rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart.”  
 John Bunyan

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